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Making remarkable wines since 1844.
Making remarkable wines
since 1844.
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Fathers Day Gifting

With Father’s Day less than a month away, now is the perfect time to be thinking of gifts.
We have curated three timeless options sure to make a statement. Bin 389 – the wine that helped forge Penfolds reputation with red wine drinkers around the world, Bin 707 – our flagship cabernet celebrating 60 years in 2024, and Grandfather Tawny – a style Penfolds has been perfecting since 1844.

For a limited time, receive complimentary ground shipping on your order when you include one of the three wines featured below.*

*Promotion ends June 10th 2024. Purchase any one of the three giftbox wines featured in this email and receive complimentary ground shipping. Offer valid while supplies last.

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